Kiribathgoda YMBA Library
Kelani Youth Buddhist Society Library
Before the beginning of the year, we created a monthly calendar in Sinhala, a digital calendar and an English calendar incorporating the objectives of the Kelani Youth Buddhist Society. Arrangements were made to print 500 copies of the Sinhala calendar and distribute it to the president, secretary, treasurer, executive members and all members. The distribution of these calendars was successful because of the dedication of the Office Manager Assistant Manori Ranasinghe, Control Officer Hemantha Perera and other officers.
The digital calendar was prepared according to the design instructions of the former president Mr. Sepala Ratnayake. It was created by Mr. Rasanga Abeykon, Managing Assistant of the office. Executive member Mr. Cyril Pathirana gave financial support to print the English calendar. 1000 copies were printed from it. 500 Sinhala calendars were printed with the financial support of Dr. Chandrakirti. The proposal to print a calendar was first brought up by Reverend Patron Dr. Reverend Makola Mangala Thero. We got a Canon type printer for the library worth Rs.35000.00 from a donor (free of charge) and with the approval of the Executive Council we also got a computer worth more than Rs.200,000.00.
Kelani Youth Buddhist Society Library, which has not been registered since 1958, has been registered under the registration number – NLR / OL / 2023 / 029 of the Library and Documentation Service Board of the Freeway, Colombo, and we have arranged to purchase a collection register that can include thousands of books. For this purpose, we donated more than Rs.10000.00 on behalf of the Interim Committee.
In January 2024, getting a phone for the library, installing an exhibition name board, and installing a pedestal fan near the computer with the intervention of executive member Mr. G.D. Saman Kumara.
In order to inform the executive members about the automation of the library this year, on January 08, Mr. W. M. K. Weerasinghe, Head of the Department of Library Science and Psychology, University of Kelani, held a ceremony with a speech by the main Dr. Professors and awards and certificates to the students who contributed to the modernization of the library. We were also able to receive the blessings of the Maha Sangharatna.
More than 15 executive members and members participated in this event and more than 25 students of Kelani University participated. At present, the library has completed the Divi Decimalization program and the books are being downloaded through Koha Automation System. After the opening of the library, nearly 100 new members were recruited in 2024 and a new WhatsApp group group was started for all the members.
Honorable Compiler : P.M. Senarathna